How To Get An Instruction Permit Iowa
Like many states, Iowa employs a Graduated Driver Licensing program. This means that you’ll actually take a few steps in the drivers licensing process before you’re able to earn your full, unrestricted Iowa license. If this sounds intimidating, don’t be nervous. We’ll walk you through the entire Iowa drivers license process, starting with the Iowa instruction permit – also called the Iowa drivers permit, or learners permit.
Iowa Instruction Permit Requirements
14 is the magic number for Iowa teens – that’s the age at which you can apply for your Iowa instruction permit. You can apply at your local Iowa Motor Vehicle Division (Iowa MVD) office. You can use this map to find the office nearest you. Before you do, however, you’ll want to take some time to study the Iowa Driver’s Manual. Passing a written test that covers basic Iowa road signs and traffic laws is part of the Iowa instruction permit application process. The information you’ll need is found in that manual.
When you go to apply for your permit, you’ll need to bring a few things with you. First, your parent or guardian must provide written consent for you to apply for your instruction permit. They can download and complete the Parent/Guardian’s Written Consent Form (Form 430018), but they must have that form signed by a notary public. It may be easier to just bring them with you when you go to fill out the paperwork! You’ll also need to bring documents that verify your identity. To make this easier for you, the Iowa MVD has put together an application document checklist that you can use. Finally, you’ll need to pass a vision test.
How the Iowa Drivers Instruction Permit Works
Once you’ve received your Iowa instruction permit, you can begin your Iowa drivers education. Your instruction permit will allow you to actually learn how to drive a car. You’ll need to hold your permit for a minimum of 12 months before you can test for your license. But you can’t do this alone. With your Iowa drivers permit, you can drive in the company of a licensed adult. This can be a parent, legal guardian, or an immediate family member who’s at least 21 years old. (Your parent or guardian may also give written permission for you to be accompanied by a non-family member, provided that he or she is at least 25.) The state of Iowa also requires that you complete a formal and state-licensed drivers education course prior to applying for your intermediate license. Your instruction permit will also allow you to drive while being supervised by a licensed driving instructor. You will need to complete 20 hours of supervised driving, in addition to any behind-the-wheel training you might receive during your drivers education class.
Remember that there are restrictions placed upon drivers who only have their instruction permit. Along with the required adult supervision, you are not allowed to use a cellphone or tablet while driving. You and all of you passengers must be wearing a seat belt, and you are not allowed to carry more passengers than the number of seat belts in your car. If you violate any of these rules, your instruction permit may be suspended – and that suspension time will cause your 12 month instruction period to reset. So follow the rules and be safe, and you’ll be able to take the next step – getting your Iowa drivers license!