If you’ve made a mistake behind the wheel and found yourself with a traffic ticket in your hand, don’t panic.
While getting a ticket is never fun, it’s something that happens to millions of drivers each year. Depending on the situation, you may be able to get your New York traffic ticket dismissed Here’s a look at some of the important things you need to know.
Understanding Your Plea Options
When you receive a traffic ticket in New York State, you can choose from one of the following plea options:
Plead guilty – Admit guilt, pay the fine, and any points associated with the infraction are added to your driving record.
Plead not guilty and go to trial – Fight the ticket, reject a plea to a lesser charge, and instead argue your case in court.
Plea bargain – Negotiate a lesser offense with the prosecutor or police officer.
Traffic program – Get your ticket dismissed by completing an approved traffic program.
If you choose to plead guilty or accept a plea bargain, you must pay your fine on or before the deadline. However, if you plead not guilty, you’ll have a chance to defend yourself and try to get your ticket dismissed.
When a Traffic Ticket in New York Can Be Dismissed
There are several circumstances that can result in a dismissed traffic ticket. For example, you may be able to get your ticket dismissed based on:
Missing or incorrect information – There's a problem with your ticket. For example, your driver’s license number or license plate number was missing, the ticket had the incorrect date, or the officer failed to include important information on your ticket, such as where the incident occurred.
Faulty radar gun – You're able to provide that the speed-detection device failed.
Calibration issues – You request calibration records that show that the radar gun wasn't properly maintained or doesn't meet department standards.
Missed court appearances – The officer repeatedly fails to show up for court.
Officer’s mistake at trial – The officer omits important information or provides an inconsistent testimony during the trial.
Obstructed speed sign – You could not see the speed limit sign due to some type of obstruction.
First offense – In some cases, a kind judge may dismiss a ticket if it is your first traffic offense and you have an otherwise clean driving record.
Outside of New York City, you may also be able to negotiate a speeding ticket down to a lesser speeding charge, a charge other than speeding, or a zero-point ticket, particularly if you don’t have any previous traffic violations on your record.
If you plan to dispute a New York traffic ticket, you must request your hearing within 30 days after the date the ticket was issued. Otherwise, you may be subject to late payment penalties. It's also important to never, ever ignore a traffic ticket. Failing to choose your plea option in time can lead to a suspended license or even a warrant for your arrest.
Dismissing Your Ticket with Defensive Driving School
If you’re not able to get your traffic ticket dismissed in court, you may be able to attend a court-approved New York State defensive driving course. This may allow you to have your ticket dismissed, reduce associated penalties and fines, remove points from your license, and/or reduce the ticket to a lower-level infraction with less severe penalties.
You can only take advantage of this option once every 18 months, and if you have repeat tickets for the same offense, you may only be able to have the first one dismissed by enrolling in a defensive driving course. Dismissed tickets also remain on your driving record for an average of four years.
If you’ve received a traffic ticket in New York and you want to take care of it with a fast, simple online defensive driving course, look no further than I Drive Safely. Our classes are fun and affordable, so check them out today! Understanding Traffic Ticket Dismissal in New York